The Administrative Office is the “go to” for all things City-related.
We can relay messages to various departments and answer questions concerning general rules of the City and public records. Payments of all types are also received at this location (payments for City-issued permits, licenses, fines, recreation program sign-ups, etc.).
Regular Business Hours:
Monday–Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm (excluding holidays). With random closures due to staffing and occasional work-from-home instances, please call ahead to make sure someone is available.
Physical/Mailing Address: 612 East Harrison Street
Administrative Office Phone: 217-832-4721
City Administrator: Jacki Athey

The Emergency Services Center contains housing for the City’s fire and police departments, as well as the Carle Ambulance Service (privatized).
These departments handle routine and emergency calls for various situations; the police department also handles local ordinance enforcement.
Requests for copies of emergency reports must be submitted via the CVG FOIA Request Form to the City’s Administrative Office for processing and pick-up.
Fire Department Address: 1016 North Sycamore Street
Fire Chief: Charles Black
Police Department Address: 1020 North Sycamore Street
Police Chief: Jonathan C. Tibbetts
Information concerning various issues such as the impounding of vehicles or random ordinance violations can be found on the American Legal Publishing website, with newer regulations included on the Government page. Ordinance Violations are best enforced when they are reported immediately to the Police Department at the number listed above.

The Public Works Department takes care of all infrastructure of the City, including facilities (roads, alleys, sidewalks and parks). General public requests for items such as gravel replacement, tree removal, and sidewalk repair should ALL be directed through the Administrative Office at 832-4721.
Director: Marc T. Mixell Email:
The Community Programs and Services Department provides recreation as season sports activities for the youth in our community and surrounding area, which currently include baseball, basketball, flag football, soccer , softball, t-ball and volleyball. An 8-week Summer Dayz park program is also held in Henson Park each year for non-sport and craft activities.
Local parks where the various sports programs are held include Henson, Harrison, Coddington and Richman Parks; private reservation of some park pavilions and the Main Street Plaza can be done by submitting a request and the necessary rental agreement to the City’s Rec Center…or fully online at
Program Director: Robert Rea | Email:

The primary use of this property is to provide SBL Peace Meals and social activities, such as games and crafts. It is also available to rent for showers, parties, dinners and other group events.
Sarah Bush Lincoln Peace Meal Senior Nutrition Program’s mission is to provide quality meals for healthier lives. Peace Meal helps seniors improve their nutrition, sustain their independence and enhance the quality of their life by providing meals, fellowship and connections to other needed services. Delivery from SBL to VG includes a hot noon meal to senior citizens in the Zest for Life Center and further delivery to home bound clients.
Local Site Supervisor for sign-up: Marsha Gordon
Supervisor Phone: 217-832-9078
Click here for the menu.
Usual site hours: Monday–Friday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm (excl. holidays)
Address: 610 East Harrison Avenue (formerly Front Street)
Peace Meal Site Supervisor and
Activities Coordinator: Melanie Brooks | Site Phone: 217-832-9445
Rental requests for the use of the Senior Center can be directed to the Senior Center phone indicated above – a fee and rental agreement is also required for this when available.